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nuclear bomb 核彈。

nuclear club

Announcing this week that he will “ in the future ” go ahead with a long - threatened nuclear bomb - test , mr kim seems bent on upstaging the first formal summit handshake in five years between the estranged leaders of japan and china , east asia ' s biggest powers and its natural and sometimes bitter rivals 這個星期他宣布將在“將來”繼續進行具有長期威脅的核導彈試驗,金先生似乎決心搶先于已疏遠了五年的中日領導人第一次正式峰會握手之前采取行動,這是東亞兩支最大的力量,他們是天然的但有時是不愉快的對手。

Even the wall street journal , which habitually wrinkles its nose at the faintest whiff of garlic , gave a rave review to a speech this week in which mr sarkozy said he could not let iran acquire a nuclear bomb , would not budge on israel ' s security and would step up france ' s military contribution in afghanistan ( see article ) 甚至連吹毛求疵的《華爾街日報》對薩科奇本周的一次演講也贊不絕口;這次演講中薩科奇稱他絕不會讓伊朗擁有核彈,對于以色列的安全他不會妥協,他還會向阿富汗增兵。

Homi bhabha , the theoretical physicist who ran the iaec , claimed that his organization could build nuclear weapons “ within 18 months . ” citing a lawrence livermore national laboratory report , bhabha predicted that nuclear bombs would be cheap 他引用勞倫斯利佛摩國家實驗室(美國發展核武的重要機構)的一份報告,預言制造核彈會變得便宜。

Tehran has failed to dispel international concerns that it wants nuclear bombs , the u . n . nuclear watchdog * agency reported thursday , clearing the way for the security council to consider sanctions * on tehran 聯合國核監察機構周四發布消息說,伊朗沒有消除國際社會對其放棄核計劃的疑慮,這為安理考慮對其進行制裁掃清道路。

Tehran has failed to dispel international doubts it wants nuclear bombs , the u . n . nuclear watchdog agency reported on thursday , clearing the way for the security council to consider sanctions on tehran 聯合國核監察機構周四發布消息說,伊朗沒有消除國際社會對其放棄核計劃的疑慮,這為安理考慮對其進行制裁掃清道路。

The reason that these hurricanes were so powerful was the sticky radioactive energy left over from two nuclear bombs detonated within the grids of this land at the end of the era of atlantis 颶風為何如此強烈的原因是,在亞特蘭蒂斯時代末期, 2次巨大的核彈爆炸后在此片陸地的晶格層中遺留了大量粘稠的放射性能量。

Tehran has failed to dispel international doubts it wants nuclear bombs , the u . n . nuclear agency reported on thursday , clearing the way for the security council to consider sanctions on tehran 聯合國核監察機構周四發布消息說,伊朗沒有消除國際社會對其放棄核計劃的疑慮,這為安理考慮對其進行制裁掃清道路。

And yet , according to the new analysis , american intelligence seems to have erred in much the same way in 2005 , assuming iran ' s nuclear bomb was still in the works when it was not 不過,根據新的分析報告, 2005年,美國情報單位好像重蹈覆轍,伊朗其實已中止核彈計畫,他們卻以為仍在運作。

In this world , apart from our spiritual practice , there is no other place or power that we can rely on . violent martial arts and nuclear bombs can only destroy people , not win them over 這個世界如果不靠修行,沒有地方、沒有力量可靠,武力、原子彈只能夠消滅人而已,不能屈服人。

Cia agent jonathan gold ( steven seagal ) is working as an undercover agent to determine some arms dealers , who want to steal a nuclear bomb to an eastern european terrorist group 中情局特工喬納森?金(史蒂文?西格爾)扮成便衣打入一伙軍火販子,這伙販子想要為東歐恐怖組織偷一枚核彈。

President bush says he wants to keep the pressure on iran even if a new intelligence says it stopped work on the nuclear bomb years ago , halted because of international pressure 布什總統說他將保持對伊朗的壓力,盡管一份新的情報說伊朗在幾年前就因迫于國際壓力而停止了核炸彈的研究。

Long locked in a deadly embrace with its nuclear neighbor india , pakistan has come close to full - scale war on two occasions since it first exploded a nuclear bomb in 1998 長期關在一個致命的擁抱與核鄰居印度,巴基斯坦已接近全面戰爭有兩次,因為它第一次爆炸一枚核彈,在1998年。

The people who design america ' s nuclear bombs believe believe they helped win the cold war . but now that the war is over , many wonder whether they ' ll end up out in the cold 設計美國核彈的人相信他們幫忙打贏了冷戰,可是既然冷戰已經結束,很多人不知道他最終會不會受到冷落。

President bush says he wants to keep the pressure on iran even if a new intelligence says it stopped work on the nuclear bomb years ago , halted because of international pressure 布什稱即使伊朗因國際壓力在幾年前已停止了核彈工作,他還要繼續給伊朗施加壓力。

In the 1970s , weapon scientists at the lawrence livermore national laboratory in california developed the reduced residual radiation nuclear bomb 七十年代,加利福尼亞州勞倫斯?利弗莫爾國家實驗室的武器科學家們曾試制過殘余輻射性有所減弱的核彈。

Japan and the united states are seeking tough united nations “ sanctions in response to what may have been a north korean test of a nuclear bomb 美日謀求聯合國嚴厲制裁北韓日本與美國正在尋求聯合國針對北韓可能進行的核彈試驗實施嚴厲制裁措施。

Violent martial arts and nuclear bombs can only destroy people , not win them over . when you observe any goodness in yourself , develop it 這個世界如果不靠修行,沒有地方、沒有力量可靠,武力、原子彈只能夠消滅人而已,不能屈服人。

The security council had demanded that iran stop enriching uranium and an important step of producing flue that could be used in the nuclear bomb 安全委員會已經要求伊朗停止核濃縮和停止一項重要的生產能夠用于核彈的燃料的計劃。

Violent martial arts and nuclear bombs can only destroy people , not win them over . when you observe any goodness in yourself , develop it 這個世界如果不靠修行,沒有地方沒有力量可靠,武力原子彈只能夠消滅人而已,不能屈服人。